Sunday, August 10, 2008

More old stuff - PENCE

Here is another old article. Who is Pence? Why do we never hear that trace amounts of anthrax were found in his office? He is not part of the "big 5", or the "second 2". Why not? Further investigation leads to this: WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Investigators have found trace amounts of anthrax in three offices in the Longworth House Office Building, officials said Friday.

Why are these 3 never mentioned? Pence was a REPUBLICAN! Daschle and Leahy were democrats. The other two - Holt and Baldacci are also Dems. They couldn't include Holt and Baldacci without including Pence, but if they could, it would point the finger at a democrat hater, or a right-winger. So, is the opposite true? If our anthrax mailer targeted FIVE politicians, what is the connection? Is there one? That is a "motive" that has been given for Ivins. That he was anti-abortion and targeted Daschle and Leahy for being pro-choice. I wonder what Pences stand on abortion was?

anyway, here is a CNN interview with Pence from 10/2001

By RICK YENCER The Star Press - Muncie, IN June 14, 2002

MUNCIE - Congressman Mike Pence believes the FBI should reconsider international terrorists as the source of anthrax mail attacks. "I am troubled by the apparent lack of progress in the FBI's current investigation," Pence wrote to U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft this week.

In that letter, Pence also gave 10 examples of evidence pointing to international, not domestic, sources for anthrax letters that killed five people and closed Pence's office in the Longworth Building for nearly 2 months.

As a result of the letters, Pence, his family and staff took weeks of antibiotics as a precaution. None developed anthrax-like infections.

Last week, FBI Director Robert Mueller said the investigation had not produced any suspects. Pence said the FBI had apparently concluded the anthrax came from a domestic source instead of from al-Qaida operatives who also were responsible for airplane attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.

The congressman said the material found in his office and others on Capital Hill was weapons-grade anthrax that was genetically modified to increase its virulence.

DNA evidence showed the anthrax originated from the Ames strain that was developed at Fort Detrick, Md., and was later sent to a research facility in England.

In 1988, Iraqi germ warfare scientists attempted to obtain the Ames strain anthrax from England to create biological weapons. And the CIA has reported meetings between Al Qaeda members and Iraqi officials last year, Pence said.

"The FBI has spent most of its resources trying to find a mad scientist," Pence said. "The evidence points to Iraq."

Some 9-11 terrorists were treated for anthrax-type infections, he said.
Democratic congressional candidate Melina Fox said Hoosiers still worried about anthrax attacks, and like Pence, they wanted the people responsible identified and punished.
"We need a broader view than just the problems that touched one congressional office," she said.
Pence will meet with senior officials involved in the investigation next week.

Meanwhile, the Republican congressman gained a powerful position this week to help oversee the war on terrorism and create the new Department of Homeland Defense.
Pence was named to the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism and Homeland Security. The subcommittee will oversee all federal criminal matters relating to new terrorism policies.

"I hope to be a voice for the real world implications of certain terrorist attacks," Pence said.

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