Monday, August 4, 2008

Who is Jean C. Duley?

As soon as the story of Dr. Ivins' suicide hit, there was this very strange comment, that Dr. Ivins therapist had filed court documents stating that Dr. Ivins was a homicidal sociopath, that he was a revenge killer who had tried to poison many people since the year 2000. This story has been bandied around ever since. Here is the REAL story:

The "therapist" is a woman by the name of Jean Duley. She is apparently an addiction counselor in Frederick Maryland. She is NOT a doctor or even a Licensed Social Worker, from what it appears. It seems that she runs group therapy sessions, and Dr. Ivins, for some reason, was a client.

It seems that about a month ago, Ms. Duley made some accusations against Dr. Ivins. She claimed that he had gone ballistic in a group therapy session, had claimed that he had a gun, was going to go take out his coworkers, and go out in a "blaze of glory". Ms. Duley notified the local police, who came and escorted him out of the lab, and right to a psychiatric hospital. This was "his therapist" after all. A few days later, Dr. Ivins was released from the hospital and apparently contacted Ms. Duley several times - leaving messages on her machine. He was extremely upset, and apparently told her that she had ruined him. There was no reports of threats against her on the tapes, just angry, frustrated messages.

What happened next was unbelievable. Ms. Duley swore out a peace warrant on Dr. Ivins. Thats not the incredible part. The incredible part is what she SAID in the documentation. The Smoking Gun has a copy of the document here:

"Duley referred to Ivins as a "client" who "has a history dating to his graduate days of homicidal threats, actions, plans, threats & actions towards therapist." Duley added that Ivins's psychiatrist called him "homicidal, sociopathic with clear intentions," and that "FBI involved, currently under investigation & will be charged w/ 5 capital murders. I have been subpoena to testify before a federal grand jury August 1, 2008 in Washington, D.C."

Please take a look at this document. It is shocking both in the written content and by the glaring misspellings, grammatical errors and lack of structure. (I believe this matters, I am not just being a language snob.)

Most of the media reported the content of this document as straight-up fact, and let the readers believe that she was reporting information that she knew firsthand. This could almost certainly not have been the case.

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